The Zimmermann FZH event.

High performance machining of structural Aerospace parts.
14th November in Neuhausen, Germany


Bernhäuser Straße 35
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.


Thursday 14th November 2019 – 8:30am – 5pm


This invite-only event has been created specifically for companies involved in the manufacture of structural Aerospace parts.



  • Demonstration of the advantages of the ABC head and it’s elimination of the c-axis poling associated with pocket machining
  • Introduction of the 125kW head and a demonstration of the impressive material removal rates achievable
  • Machining cross-holes on rib components without the use of angled heads
  • All of this in a machine that requires no bespoke foundation!


Return flights will be provided by Kingsbury for all attendees.

All outgoing journey times are for the 13th of November, all return journeys are on the evening of the 14th of November.


Heathrow – Stuttgart 16:05-18:45 – British Airways

Stuttgart – Heathrow – 19:40-20:25– British Airways


Birmingham – Stuttgart – 17:30-20:15 – Flybe

Stuttgart – Birmingham – 21:35-22:30 – Flybe 


Dublin – Stuttgart (Via Frankfurt) –11:50-18:00 – Lufthansa

Stuttgart – Dublin (Via Frankfurt) – 18:50-22:55 – Flybe


Within minutes of Stuttgart Airport is Hotel Schwanen Filderstadt where all event guests will be staying on the night of the 13th of November:


Kingsbury will be hosting a dinner for all event attendees at nearby Shwanen Brau Brewery on the evening of the 13th of November:


8:30am - 9am Intro
9am - 9:30am Machine technology demo
9:30am - 10am Break
10am - 10:30am Standard part demo High speed pocket roughing
Pallet change
10:30am - 11:am Rib demo Back face roughing/ finish
11am - 12pm Partner technology presentation Haimer, SGS, Open Mind, Vericut
12pm - 12:45pm Lunch
12:45pm - 1:30pm Factory tour
1:30pm - 2pm M3 ABC - calibration & theory
2pm - 2:30pm Standard part demo High speed finishing
Pallet change
2:30pm - 3pm Rib demo Side feet finishing
3pm - 3:30pm Break
3:30pm - 4pm Standard part demo ABC head demo
4pm - 4:30pm Rib demo Front side rough & finish
Pallet change
4:30pm - 5pm Summary
5pm Event closing & thank you

The Zimmermann FZH.

German manufacturer Zimmermann has introduced a new horizontal-spindle machining centre (HMC) for the efficient production of structural components in the aerospace industry.

The horizontal-spindle head has three CNC axes, therefore offering extra versatility with 2-axis heads for executing complex programs. Movement of ± 110 degrees in the A-axis, ± 225 degrees in the C-axis and the increase of ± 14 degrees in the B-axis removes the risk of singularity errors in cutter paths, without the need for avoidance algorithms. This means high productivity, exceptional surface finish and dimensional accuracy is maintained.